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클라우드스택에서 젠서버(agent) 설치 방법

지그시 2013. 10. 1. 11:28

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해당 호스트 서버에 젠서버를 설치를 한다. (라이센스 문제가 있으므로 참고한다. 30일)


아래 설치 방법은 젠서버(agent)에서 작업을 하면 된다.

참고 – http://people.apache.org/~ke4qqq/docs3/citrix-xenserver-installation.html

8.2.7. Install CloudStack XenServer Support Package (CSP)

To enable security groups, elastic load balancing, and elastic IP on XenServer, download and install the CloudStack XenServer Support Package (CSP). After installing XenServer, perform the following additional steps on each XenServer host.
  1. Download the CSP software onto the XenServer host from one of the following links:
    For XenServer 6.0.2:
    For XenServer 5.6 SP2:
    For XenServer 6.0:
  2. Extract the file:
    # tar xf xenserver-cloud-supp.tgz
  3. Run the following script:
    # xe-install-supplemental-pack xenserver-cloud-supp.iso
  4. If the XenServer host is part of a zone that uses basic networking, disable Open vSwitch (OVS):
    # xe-switch-network-backend  bridge
    Restart the host machine when prompted.
The XenServer host is now ready to be added to CloudStack.

8.2.8. Primary Storage Setup for XenServer

CloudStack natively supports NFS, iSCSI and local storage. If you are using one of these storage types, there is no need to create the XenServer Storage Repository (“SR”).
If, however, you would like to use storage connected via some other technology, such as FiberChannel, you must set up the SR yourself. To do so, perform the following steps. If you have your hosts in a XenServer pool, perform the steps on the master node. If you are working with a single XenServer which is not part of a cluster, perform the steps on that XenServer.
  1. Connect FiberChannel cable to all hosts in the cluster and to the FiberChannel storage host.
  2. Rescan the SCSI bus. Either use the following command or use XenCenter to perform an HBA rescan.
    # scsi-rescan
  3. Repeat step 2 on every host.
  4. Check to be sure you see the new SCSI disk.
    # ls /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-360a98000503365344e6f6177615a516b -l
    The output should look like this, although the specific file name will be different (scsi-<scsiID>):
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 16 13:47
    /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-360a98000503365344e6f6177615a516b -> ../../sdc
  5. Repeat step 4 on every host.
  6. On the storage server, run this command to get a unique ID for the new SR.
    # uuidgen
    The output should look like this, although the specific ID will be different:
  7. Create the FiberChannel SR. In name-label, use the unique ID you just generated.
    # xe sr-create type=lvmohba shared=true
    This command returns a unique ID for the SR, like the following example (your ID will be different):
  8. To create a human-readable description for the SR, use the following command. In uuid, use the SR ID returned by the previous command. In name-description, set whatever friendly text you prefer.
    # xe sr-param-set uuid=7a143820-e893-6c6a-236e-472da6ee66bf name-description="Fiber Channel storage repository"
    Make note of the values you will need when you add this storage to CloudStack later (see Section 6.6, “Add Primary Storage”). In the Add Primary Storage dialog, in Protocol, you will choose PreSetup. In SR Name-Label, you will enter the name-label you set earlier (in this example, e6849e96-86c3-4f2c-8fcc-350cc711be3d).
  9. (Optional) If you want to enable multipath I/O on a FiberChannel SAN, refer to the documentation provided by the SAN vendor.

8.2.9. iSCSI Multipath Setup for XenServer (Optional)

When setting up the storage repository on a Citrix XenServer, you can enable multipath I/O, which uses redundant physical components to provide greater reliability in the connection between the server and the SAN. To enable multipathing, use a SAN solution that is supported for Citrix servers and follow the procedures in Citrix documentation. The following links provide a starting point:
You can also ask your SAN vendor for advice about setting up your Citrix repository for multipathing.
Make note of the values you will need when you add this storage to the CloudStack later (see Section 6.6, “Add Primary Storage”). In the Add Primary Storage dialog, in Protocol, you will choose PreSetup. In SR Name-Label, you will enter the same name used to create the SR.
If you encounter difficulty, address the support team for the SAN provided by your vendor. If they are not able to solve your issue, see Contacting Support.

8.2.10. Physical Networking Setup for XenServer

Once XenServer has been installed, you may need to do some additional network configuration. At this point in the installation, you should have a plan for what NICs the host will have and what traffic each NIC will carry. The NICs should be cabled as necessary to implement your plan.
If you plan on using NIC bonding, the NICs on all hosts in the cluster must be cabled exactly the same. For example, if eth0 is in the private bond on one host in a cluster, then eth0 must be in the private bond on all hosts in the cluster.
The IP address assigned for the management network interface must be static. It can be set on the host itself or obtained via static DHCP.
CloudStack configures network traffic of various types to use different NICs or bonds on the XenServer host. You can control this process and provide input to the Management Server through the use of XenServer network name labels. The name labels are placed on physical interfaces or bonds and configured in CloudStack. In some simple cases the name labels are not required. Configuring Public Network with a Dedicated NIC for XenServer (Optional)

CloudStack supports the use of a second NIC (or bonded pair of NICs, described in Section, “NIC Bonding for XenServer (Optional)”) for the public network. If bonding is not used, the public network can be on any NIC and can be on different NICs on the hosts in a cluster. For example, the public network can be on eth0 on node A and eth1 on node B. However, the XenServer name-label for the public network must be identical across all hosts. The following examples set the network label to “cloud-public”. After the management server is installed and running you must configure it with the name of the chosen network label (e.g. “cloud-public”); this is discussed in Section 4.5, “Management Server Installation”.
If you are using two NICs bonded together to create a public network, see Section, “NIC Bonding for XenServer (Optional)”.
If you are using a single dedicated NIC to provide public network access, follow this procedure on each new host that is added to CloudStack before adding the host.
  1. Run xe network-list and find the public network. This is usually attached to the NIC that is public. Once you find the network make note of its UUID. Call this <UUID-Public>.
  2. Run the following command.
    # xe network-param-set name-label=cloud-public uuid=<UUID-Public> Configuring Multiple Guest Networks for XenServer (Optional)

CloudStack supports the use of multiple guest networks with the XenServer hypervisor. Each network is assigned a name-label in XenServer. For example, you might have two networks with the labels “cloud-guest” and “cloud-guest2″. After the management server is installed and running, you must add the networks and use these labels so that CloudStack is aware of the networks.
Follow this procedure on each new host before adding the host to CloudStack:
  1. Run xe network-list and find one of the guest networks. Once you find the network make note of its UUID. Call this <UUID-Guest>.
  2. Run the following command, substituting your own name-label and uuid values.
    # xe network-param-set name-label=<cloud-guestN> uuid=<UUID-Guest>
  3. Repeat these steps for each additional guest network, using a different name-label and uuid each time. Separate Storage Network for XenServer (Optional)

You can optionally set up a separate storage network. This should be done first on the host, before implementing the bonding steps below. This can be done using one or two available NICs. With two NICs bonding may be done as above. It is the administrator’s responsibility to set up a separate storage network.
Give the storage network a different name-label than what will be given for other networks.
For the separate storage network to work correctly, it must be the only interface that can ping the primary storage device’s IP address. For example, if eth0 is the management network NIC, ping -I eth0 <primary storage device IP> must fail. In all deployments, secondary storage devices must be pingable from the management network NIC or bond. If a secondary storage device has been placed on the storage network, it must also be pingable via the storage network NIC or bond on the hosts as well.
You can set up two separate storage networks as well. For example, if you intend to implement iSCSI multipath, dedicate two non-bonded NICs to multipath. Each of the two networks needs a unique name-label.
If no bonding is done, the administrator must set up and name-label the separate storage network on all hosts (masters and slaves).
Here is an example to set up eth5 to access a storage network on
# xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth5

uuid ( RO)                  : ab0d3dd4-5744-8fae-9693-a022c7a3471d
                device ( RO): eth5
#xe pif-reconfigure-ip DNS= gateway= IP= mode=static netmask= uuid=ab0d3dd4-5744-8fae-9693-a022c7a3471d NIC Bonding for XenServer (Optional)

XenServer supports Source Level Balancing (SLB) NIC bonding. Two NICs can be bonded together to carry public, private, and guest traffic, or some combination of these. Separate storage networks are also possible. Here are some example supported configurations:
  • 2 NICs on private, 2 NICs on public, 2 NICs on storage
  • 2 NICs on private, 1 NIC on public, storage uses management network
  • 2 NICs on private, 2 NICs on public, storage uses management network
  • 1 NIC for private, public, and storage
All NIC bonding is optional.
XenServer expects all nodes in a cluster will have the same network cabling and same bonds implemented. In an installation the master will be the first host that was added to the cluster and the slave hosts will be all subsequent hosts added to the cluster. The bonds present on the master set the expectation for hosts added to the cluster later. The procedure to set up bonds on the master and slaves are different, and are described below. There are several important implications of this:
  • You must set bonds on the first host added to a cluster. Then you must use xe commands as below to establish the same bonds in the second and subsequent hosts added to a cluster.
  • Slave hosts in a cluster must be cabled exactly the same as the master. For example, if eth0 is in the private bond on the master, it must be in the management network for added slave hosts. Management Network Bonding
The administrator must bond the management network NICs prior to adding the host to CloudStack. Creating a Private Bond on the First Host in the Cluster
Use the following steps to create a bond in XenServer. These steps should be run on only the first host in a cluster. This example creates the cloud-private network with two physical NICs (eth0 and eth1) bonded into it.
  1. Find the physical NICs that you want to bond together.
    # xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth0
    # xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth1
    These command shows the eth0 and eth1 NICs and their UUIDs. Substitute the ethX devices of your choice. Call the UUID’s returned by the above command slave1-UUID and slave2-UUID.
  2. Create a new network for the bond. For example, a new network with name “cloud-private”.
    This label is important. CloudStack looks for a network by a name you configure. You must use the same name-label for all hosts in the cloud for the management network.
    # xe network-create name-label=cloud-private
    # xe bond-create network-uuid=[uuid of cloud-private created above]
Now you have a bonded pair that can be recognized by CloudStack as the management network. Public Network Bonding
Bonding can be implemented on a separate, public network. The administrator is responsible for creating a bond for the public network if that network will be bonded and will be separate from the management network. Creating a Public Bond on the First Host in the Cluster
These steps should be run on only the first host in a cluster. This example creates the cloud-public network with two physical NICs (eth2 and eth3) bonded into it.
  1. Find the physical NICs that you want to bond together.
    #xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth2
    # xe pif-list host-name-label='hostname' device=eth3
    These command shows the eth2 and eth3 NICs and their UUIDs. Substitute the ethX devices of your choice. Call the UUID’s returned by the above command slave1-UUID and slave2-UUID.
  2. Create a new network for the bond. For example, a new network with name “cloud-public”.
    This label is important. CloudStack looks for a network by a name you configure. You must use the same name-label for all hosts in the cloud for the public network.
    # xe network-create name-label=cloud-public
    # xe bond-create network-uuid=[uuid of cloud-public created above]
Now you have a bonded pair that can be recognized by CloudStack as the public network. Adding More Hosts to the Cluster
With the bonds (if any) established on the master, you should add additional, slave hosts. Run the following command for all additional hosts to be added to the cluster. This will cause the host to join the master in a single XenServer pool.
# xe pool-join master-address=[master IP] master-username=root
master-password=[your password] Complete the Bonding Setup Across the Cluster
With all hosts added to the pool, run the cloud-setup-bond script. This script will complete the configuration and set up of the bonds across all hosts in the cluster.
  1. Copy the script from the Management Server in /usr/lib64/cloud/agent/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver/cloud-setup-bonding.sh to the master host and ensure it is executable.
  2. Run the script:
    # ./cloud-setup-bonding.sh