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R/C 벤더별 CLI 명령어 SAMPLE

지그시 2013. 10. 1. 11:16

1. 3ware

# tw_cli.x86_64 help

Copyright(c) 2004, 2005 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation(AMCC). All rights reserved.

AMCC/3ware CLI (version
Commands Description
info Displays information about controller(s), unit(s) and port(s).
maint Performs maintenance operations on controller(s), unit(s) and ports.
alarms Displays current AENs.
set Displays or modifies controller and unit settings.
sched Schedules bachground tasks on controller(s) (9000 series)
quit Exits the CLI.
—- New Command Syntax —-
show Displays information about controller(s), unit(s) and port(s).
flush Flush write cache data to units in the system.
rescan Rescan all empty ports for new unit(s) and disk(s).
commit Commit dirty DCB to storage on controller(s). (Windows only)
/cx Controller specific commands.
/cx/ux Unit specific commands.
/cx/px Port specific commands.
/cx/bbu BBU specific commands. (9000 only)

Type help <command> to get more details about a particular command.
For more detail information see tw_cli’s documentation.

# tw_cli.x86_64 info c0
- Unit UnitType Status %Cmpl Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVerify IgnECC
- Port Status Unit Size Blocks Serial

2. Adaptec
# ./ipssend.bin

ServeRAID Command Line Interface v7.10.18 (731)
(C) Copyright Adaptec, Inc. 2002-2004.
(C) Copyright International Business Machines, 1998-2002.

Usage: IPSSEND <Command> [Param 1] … [Param N]
Help : IPSSEND <Command> for help on a specific command.

Command | Param 1 | Param 2 | Param 3 | Param 4 | Param 5
AUTOSYNC |Controller|Logical drive|NOPROMPT | |
BACKUP |Controller|Filename |NOPROMPT | |
CREATE |Controller|LOGICALDRIVE |Options |Size |RAIDLevel
DELETE |Controller|ARRAY |Array ID | |
DEVINFO |Controller|Channel |SCSI ID | |
DRIVEVER |Controller|Channel |SCSI ID | |
ERASEEVENT|Controller|Option | | |
GETBST |Controller| | | |
GETCONFIG |Controller|Options | | |
GETEVENT |Controller|Options | | |
GETSTATUS |Controller| | | |
HSREBUILD |Controller|On | | |
IDENTIFY |Controller|Options |Target1 |Target2 |
INIT |Controller|Logical drive|NOPROMPT | |
REBUILD |Controller|Channel |SCSI ID |New Channel|New SCSI ID
RESTORE |Controller|Filename |NOPROMPT | |
SCANDRIVES|Controller| | | |
SET |Controller|Options | | |
SETBIOS |CTRLI |Options | | |
SETCONFIG |Controller|Options |NOPROMPT | |
SETSTATE |Controller|Channel |SCSI ID |New State |
SYNCH |Controller|Logical drive| | |
UNATTENDED|Controller|Options | | |
UNBLOCK |Controller|Logical drive| | |

# ./ipssend.bin getconfig 1
- Controller information, Logical drive information, Array A stripe order (Channel/SCSI ID), Physical device information

3. Areca
Copyright (c) 2004 Areca, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Areca CLI, Version: 1.60.200( Linux )
Controllers List
Controller#01(PCI): ARC-1210
Current Controller: Controller#01

CMD Description
main Show Command Categories.
set General Settings.
rsf RaidSet Functions.
vsf VolumeSet Functions.
disk Physical Drive Functions.
sys System Functions.
net Ethernet Functions.
event Event Functions.
hw Hardware Monitor Information.
exit Exit CLI.
Command Format: <CMD> [Sub-Command] [Parameters].
Note: Use <CMD> -h or -help to get details.

CLI> vsf info
- # Name Raid# Level Capacity Ch/Id/Lun State

CLI> rsf info
- Num Name Disks TotalCap FreeCap DiskChannels State

CLI> disk info
- Ch ModelName Serial# FirmRev Capacity State

CLI>event info
- Date-Time Device Event Type

4. MegaRAID
# MegaCli -h

MegaCLI SAS RAID Management Tool Ver 1.00.07 January 16, 2006

(c)Copyright 2005, LSI Logic Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
MegaCli -v
MegaCli -help|-h|?
MegaCli -adpCount
MegaCli -AdpSetProp {CacheFlushInterval -val}|{ RebuildRate -val}
|{PatrolReadRate -val}|{BgiRate -val}|{CCRate -val}
|{ReconRate -val}|{SpinupDriveCount -val}|{SpinupDelay -val}
|{CoercionMode -val}|{ClusterEnable -val}|{PredFailPollInterval -val}
|{BatWarnDsbl -val} |{EccBucketSize -val} | {EccBucketLeakRate -val}
| AlarmEnbl | AlarmDsbl | AlarmSilence -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetProp CacheFlushInterval | RebuildRate | PatrolReadRate | BgiRate
| CCRate | ReconRate | SpinupDriveCount | SpinupDelay | CoercionMode
| PredFailPollInterval | EccBucketSize | EccBucketLeakRate | EccBucketCount
| ClusterEnable | BatWarnDsbl | AlarmDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpGetTime -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpSetTime yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss -aN
MegaCli -AdpBIOS {-Enbl [SOE|BE]}|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBootDrive {-Set -Lx}|-Get -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpAutoRbld -Enbl|-Dsbl|-Dsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpCacheFlush -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpPR -Dsbl|EnblAuto|EnblMan|Start|Stop|Info|{SetDelay Val}
MegaCli -FwTermLog -BBUoff|BBUoffTemp|BBUon|Dsply|Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpDiag [val] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
val – Time in second.
MegaCli -AdpBatTest -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDList -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -pdInfo -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDHSP {-Set [-Dedicated [-ArrayN|-Array0,1,2...]] [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible]}
|-Rmv -PhysDrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDRbld -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PDClear -Start|-Stop|-ShowProg |-ProgDsply
-PhysDrv [E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdLocate -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdMarkMissing -physdrv[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdGetMissing -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -physdrv[E0:S0] -arrayA, -rowB -aN
MegaCli -PdPrpRmv [-UnDo] -physdrv[E0:S0] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -EncInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -PhyInfo -phyM -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDInfo -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDSetProp {-Name LdNamestring} | -RW|RO|Blocked | WT|WB|RA|NORA|ADRA
| Cached|Direct | -EnDskCache|DisDskCache -Lx|-L0,1,2|-Lall -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache | -Access | -Name | -DskCache -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL
MegaCli -LDInit {-Start [-full]}|-Abort|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDCC -Start|-Abort|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDBI -Enbl|-Dsbl|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply -Lx|-L0,1,2|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDRecon {-Start -rX [{-Add | -Rmv} -Physdrv[E0:S0,...]]}|-ShowProg|-ProgDsply
-Lx -aN
MegaCli -LdPdInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -LDGetNum -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -rX[E0:S0,E1:S1,...] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[-szXXX [-szYYY ...]] [-strpszM] [-Hsp[E0:S0,...]] [-AfterLdX] -aN
MegaCli -CfgClr -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgDsply -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgLdDel -LX|-L0,2,5…|-LALL -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgFreeSpaceinfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r10 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1] [-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1] …] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSpanAdd -r50 -Array0[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] -Array1[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...]
[-ArrayX[E0:S0,E1:S1,E2:S2,...] …] [WT|WB] [NORA|RA|ADRA] [Direct|Cached]
[-strpszM] -aN
MegaCli -CfgSave -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgRestore -f filename -aN
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Scan -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Dsply [x] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Preview [x] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Import [x] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -CfgForeign -Clear [x] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
x – index of foreign configurations. Optional. All by default.
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEventLogInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEvents -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceShutdown -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetSinceReboot -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -IncludeDeleted -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpEventLog -Clear -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuLearn -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSleep -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -BbuMfgSeal -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -SetBbuProperties -f <fileName> -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
MegaCli -AdpFacDefSet -aN
MegaCli -AdpFwFlash -f filename [-NoSigChk] [-NoVerChk] -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL

# MegaCli64 -pdlist -a0
- 물리적 디스크 정보
# MegaCli64 -ldinfo -lall -all
- 논리적 디스크 정보
# MegaCli64 -AdpAllInfo -aall
- 레이드카드 정보

5. HP
# hpacucli -help

CLI Syntax
A typical ACU CLI command line consists of three parts: a target device,
a command, and a parameter with values if necessary. Using angle brackets to
denote a required variable and plain brackets to denote an optional
variable, the structure of a typical ACU CLI command line is as follows:

<target> <command> [parameter=value]

<target> is of format:
[controller all|slot=#|wwn=#|chassisname="AAA"|
serialnumber=#|chassisserialnumber=#|ctrlpath=#:# ]
[array all|<id>]
[physicaldrive all|allunassigned|[#:]#:#|[#:]#:#-[#:]#:#]
[logicaldrive all|#]
[licensekey all|<key>]
Note 1: The #:#:# syntax is only needed for systems that
specify port:box:bay. Other physical drive targeting
schemes are box:bay and port:id.
Note 2: The chassisserialnumber is known in ACU as the
RAID Array Serial Number. The chassisname is known
in ACU as the RAID Array ID.
Note 3: ctrlpath=#:# maps to “smart enclosure hooked up to
host bus adapter slot:host bus adapter port”

Example targets:
controller slot=5
controller chassisname=”Lab C”
controller serialnumber=P21DA2322S
controller chassisserialnumber=9J3CJN71XDCH
controller wwn=500308B300701011
controller slot=7 array A
controller slot=5 logicaldrive 5
controller slot=5 physicaldrive 1:5
controller slot=5 physicaldrive 1E:2:3
controller slot=5 licensekey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

For detailed command information type any of the following:
help add
help create
help delete
help modify
help remove
help shorthand
help show
help target
help rescan

Help also accepts commonly used CLI parameters and ACU keywords. Adding
additional keywords will further filter the help output. Examples:
help ssp (shows all ssp help including show and modify commands)
help ssp modify (restricts ssp help to only modify commands)
help migrate
help expand
help extend
help <keyword> <keyword> … <keyword>

/opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/hpacucli help shorthand

Shorthand symbols can be used wherever regular target and command keywords
are used in order to save keystrokes.

aa = arrayaccelerator
ai = adapterid
all = allunassigned
ch = chassisname (also known as boxname or raidarrayid)
chs = chassisslot
cm = configurationmode
cn = connectionname
cp = ctrlpath
cr = cacheratio
csn = chassisserialnumber
ctrl = controller
dpo = degradedperformancemode
dwc = drivewritecache
dt = drivetype
ep = expandpriority
es = elevatorsort
irp = inconsistencyrepairpolicy
ld = logicaldrive
lk = licensekey
mnpd = mnpdelay
pd = physicaldrive
ppm = preferredpathmode
ps = parallelscsi
qd = queuedepth
rp = rebuildpriority
rc = redundantcontroller
ssd = surfacescandelay
sn = serialnumber
ss = stripesize
ppto = postprompttimeout
# hpacucli ctrl all show config
- 간략한 레이드카드, 물리적디스크, 논리적 디스크 정보
# hpacucli ctrl all show detail config
- 자세한 레이드카드, 물리적디스크, 논리적 디스크 정보
5. MegaRC


MegaRAID SCSI 320-0
MegaRAID SCSI 320-1
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2
MegaRAID SCSI 320-0X
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X
MegaRAID SCSI 320-4X
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2E
MegaRAID SATA 150-4
MegaRAID SATA 150-6
MegaRAID SATA 300-4x
MegaRAID SATA 300-8x

# ./megarc ?

MEGARC MegaRAID Configuration Utility(LINUX)-1.11(12-07-2004)
By LSI Logic Corp.,USA
[Note: For SATA-2, 4 and 6 channel controllers, please specify
Ch=0 Id=0..15 for specifying physical drive(Ch=channel, Id=Target)]

Type ? as command line arg for help

* Convention Used:
[Cmd = The name of the utility]
opt1|opt2|opt3 => Only one of these can be specified

Cmd ?: Gives complete help
Cmd -functionality ?: functionality specific help
Cmd -ctlrInfo ? :help on -ctlrinfo option

Usage: Cmd -ctlrInfo -aX
Usage: Cmd -dispCfg -aX
Usage: Cmd -dispFileCfg|-DfcfgAndParm -fFileName
Usage: Cmd -physSetHsp|-physUnsetHsp -aX pd[c0:t0,c1:t1...]
Usage: Cmd -setRbldRate val -aX
Usage: Cmd -getRbldRate -aX
Usage: Cmd -physOn|-physOff -aX pd[c0:t0,c1:t1...]
Usage: Cmd -facDef -aX
Usage: Cmd -chkonLd -aX -Lx1[-Lx2..[_Lxn]]|-Lall
Usage: Cmd -doRbld -aX -RbldArray[c0:t0,c1:t1...] {-ShowProg}
Usage: Cmd -stopRbld -aX -RbldArray[c0:t0,c1:t1...]
Usage: Cmd -showRbld -aX
Usage: Cmd -newCfg -aX (-RN){[c0:t0,c1:t1...]} -strpszM
Usage: Cmd -addCfg -aX (-RN){[c0:t0,c1:t1...]} -strpszM
Usage: Cmd -spannewcfg|-spanaddcfg -aX {WT|WB} {RAA|RA|RAN} {DIO|CIO}
-RL -strpszY -arrayM[c0:t0,c1:t1...] -hspN[c2:t2,c3:t3...]
Usage: Cmd -enAlarm|-disAlarm|-silenceAlarm|-showAlarm -aX
Usage: Cmd -enableBIOS|-disBIOS|-showBIOS -aX|-alladp
Usage: Cmd -autoRbldOn|-autoRbldOff -aX
Usage: Cmd -clrCfg -aX
Usage: Cmd -abortCCBI -aX
Usage: Cmd -enableBI -aX
Usage: Cmd -disableBI -aX
Usage: Cmd -enSMART -aX
Usage: Cmd -disSMART -aX
Usage: Cmd -enMULTIPLIER -aX
Usage: Cmd -disMULTIPLIER -aX
Usage: Cmd -enableNCQ -aX
Usage: Cmd -disableNCQ -aX
Usage: Cmd -ViewInitProg -aX
Usage: Cmd -ViewBICCProg -aX
Usage: Cmd -ldInfo -aX -Lx1[-Lx2..[_Lxn]]|-Lall
Usage: Cmd -saveCfg|-ScfgAndParm -aX -fFilename
Usage: Cmd -restoreCfg|-RcfgAndParm -aX -fFilename
Usage: Cmd -initLd -aX -Lx1[ -Lx2..[ _Lxn]]|-Lall
Usage: Cmd -phys|-physdrvSerialInfo -chX|-chAll -idY|-idAll -aX
Usage: Cmd -AllAdpInfo
Usage: Cmd -pSetCache [-WCE0/-WCE1] [-RCD0/-RCD1] [-SaveCacheSetting] -aX -chX -idY
Usage: Cmd -clrErrHistory -aX
Usage: Cmd -pdFailInfo -aX -chX|-chAll -idY|-idAll
Usage: Cmd -EachDskRaid0 -aX {WT|WB} {RA|RAA|RAN} {DIO|CIO} -strpszM
Usage: Cmd -LogPhysInfo -aX|-alladp
Usage: Cmd -FreeSpaceInfo -aX
Usage: Cmd -DelLd -aX -Lx
Usage: Cmd -offBIOS_Echo|-onBIOS_Echo|-offBIOS_SOE|-onBIOS_SOE -aX
Usage: Cmd -dskBIOScfgm|-nvBIOScfgm|-usrBIOScfgm -aX
Usage: Cmd -ViewExtSenseData -aN -chX|-chAll -idY|-idAll
Usage: Cmd -disPR|-enPRauto|-enPRman -aX
Usage: Cmd -startPR|-stopPR -aX
Usage: Cmd -getPRinfo -aX
Usage: Cmd -setPRdelay -hVal -aX
Usage: Cmd -getNVRAMLog -aX
Usage: Cmd -clrNVRAMLog -aX
Usage: Cmd -EnTmpOfflineRAID|-DisTmpOfflineRAID -aX
Usage: Cmd -EnCCRecovery|-DisCCRecovery -aX
Usage: Cmd -SetXFerRate {Fast|Ultra|Ultra2|160M|320M} -aX -chX
Usage: Cmd -GetXFerRate -aX -chX
Usage: Cmd -ShowdskSpinUP -aX
Usage: Cmd -FastInitOn|-FastInitOff -aX
Usage: Cmd -SetFrpON|-SetFrpOFF -aX
Usage: Cmd -EmulI2O|-EmulMass -aX
Usage: Cmd -dskSpinUP -DsksY -aX
Usage: Cmd -ForceBootON|-ForceBootOFF -aX
Usage: Cmd -setFlush -tY -aX
Usage: Cmd -enPciDelay|-disPciDelay|-vuPciDelay -aX
Usage: Cmd -CoercionON|-CoercionOFF|-CoercionVu -aX





# ./megarc -AllAdpInfo -nolog

MEGARC MegaRAID Configuration Utility(LINUX)-1.11(12-07-2004)
By LSI Logic Corp.,USA
[Note: For SATA-2, 4 and 6 channel controllers, please specify
Ch=0 Id=0..15 for specifying physical drive(Ch=channel, Id=Target)]

Type ? as command line arg for help

AdapterNo FirmwareType CardType
00 40LD/8SPAN MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X

# ./megarc -ldInfo -a0 -Lall

MEGARC MegaRAID Configuration Utility(LINUX)-1.11(12-07-2004)
By LSI Logic Corp.,USA
[Note: For SATA-2, 4 and 6 channel controllers, please specify
Ch=0 Id=0..15 for specifying physical drive(Ch=channel, Id=Target)]

Type ? as command line arg for help

Finding Devices On Each MegaRAID Adapter…
Scanning Ha 0, Chnl 1 Target 15

*******Information Of Logical Drive 0*******

Logical Drive : 0( Adapter: 0 ): Status: DEGRADED
SpanDepth :01 RaidLevel: 1 RdAhead : No Cache: DirectIo
StripSz :064KB Stripes : 2 WrPolicy: WriteThru

Logical Drive 0 : SpanLevel_0 Disks
Chnl Target StartBlock Blocks Physical Target Status
—- —— ———- —— ———————-
0 00 0×00000000 0x111cf000 RBLD
0 01 0×00000000 0x111cf000 ONLINE

*******Information Of Logical Drive 1*******

Logical Drive : 1( Adapter: 0 ): Status: OPTIMAL
SpanDepth :01 RaidLevel: 0 RdAhead : No Cache: DirectIo
StripSz :064KB Stripes : 1 WrPolicy: WriteThru

Logical Drive 1 : SpanLevel_0 Disks
Chnl Target StartBlock Blocks Physical Target Status
—- —— ———- —— ———————-
0 02 0×00000000 0x111cf000 ONLINE